The Protect portion of this Scorecard is based on federal and other requirements and the recommendations of law enforcement, the American Bar Associatio, and virtually all organization experts. The Trust portion is based on extensive customer, including parent, client, and workforce research. Virtually all want and trust organizations to have at least an anonymous reporting system, required by federal law, to protect them.
Check all that apply to your organization, enter your email, and click Submit to immediately get your Protect and Trust Score. Within one business day Look 1st Solutions will email you a confidential Protection and Trust Statement at no cost or obligation.
Clear and accessible policies and procedures to prevent and detect criminal conduct.
Leadership delegates responsibility to, and supports, appropriate staff to ensure that the program is implemented and effective.
Due diligence, including background checks, prevents individuals who have engaged in conduct inconsistent with the program from being given similar responsibilities.
Routinely communicate policies, procedures, including all mandatory reporting, and other aspects of the program to leadership, employees, and agents, including volunteers, by providing information, resources, and training.
Promote and enforce program through appropriate incentives and disciplinary measures for criminal conduct and for failing to prevent or detect criminal conduct.
Provides a system which facilitates notifications including:
Confidentially processes notifications from -
Clients/customers/members/participants/ ...
All others
Actual and potential violations of -
Important policies
Important policies
Facilitates & documents all mandatory reporting.
Comments and feedback.
Hosted and managed by independent third party.
Visible and easily accessible.
Simple to use.
Cloaks/protects the identity of notifiers.
Notifiers can check status.
Confidential, two-way messaging.
Data can neither be hacked nor destroyed.
Confidentially processes notifications from -