Most Organization Leaders Are Failing Parents

Leaders are first accountable for protecting their people and the organization. Yet, as 2024 ended, less than 10% of nonpublic organizations had a reporting system that virtually all parents want them to have.

K-12 schools (78.8%) report the most. Home services (1.6%), youth camps (1.4%), and churches (0.6%) report the least.

How can that be?

Many organization leaders aren’t even aware of reporting systems. Two leading books for organizations that work with children, On Guard and Protecting Other People’s Children, don’t even mention them. On Guard was published in 2014, but Protecting Other People’s Children was published last year.

Some organization leaders believe reporting systems are too expensive or unworkable.

And we also know that many organization leaders don’t want to be accountable.

Regardless of the reason, this year, we are intent on increasing the percentage by double digits of organizations that have an effective reporting system,

We’ve also agreed with our parent advisors to create an award for organizations that have done the most to protect the most vulnerable. They’ll be examples for all of us.

Here’s to a better and better protected - especially for the most vulnerable, new year.